We provide a year-round service of maintaining the pitches to quality as we aim to help the client and their club play some quality football. We have worked with a number of clubs, federations, competitions, and government organizations for maintaining their facilities in top shape throughout the year.
Why is turf maintenance important?
Throughout the year sports turf surfaces endure wear and tear from both excessive use and poor weather conditions, therefore regular and seasonal maintenance is required. The sports turf maintenance service that we provide can add life to and restore a worn surface providing a high performance all year round and providing users with the best possible experience.
Surface Removal (Blec Combinator and Koro Field Top Maker)
We currently possess two surface removal machines, a Blec Combinator and a Koro Field Top Maker, which can be used to koro, strip, fraize mow or remove up to 40mm from a sports turf surface. This technique levels the surface, removes thatch, poa annua and weaker stalks leaving the stronger red stalks of ryegrass to regrow. The introduction of new seed further improves regrowth.
Overseeding improves worn surfaces by introducing new cultivars into the sward. Our disc seeder first creates slits ensuring seed placement below the surface with the rear roller closing these slits; a technique that delivers excellent germination results. A Sisis seeder is available for use before or after top dressing of golf greens. An Amazon drill is also available for virgin seeding.
Sand Spreading & Rootzone Application
Our purpose-built spreaders are used for sand spreading to level and repair surface irregularities. Rootzone application is usually performed following the Koro’s surface removal. The machine can spread up to 90 tonnes per hour. The Blec sand master combines a groundbreaker and sand slitter. The groundbreaker uses a similar decompaction method to the Earthquake; the slits created by the rotary blades of the groundbreaker are widened by coulter tines and immediately filled with Overseeding Sand Spreading and Rootzone Application sand. This procedure improves drainage and relieves soil compaction.
Deep Tine Aeration
We currently have four 1.6m wide Wiedenmann Terra Spike machines available which provide deep tine aeration, vertical draining, and soil decompaction resulting in improved surface drainage and root growth. This process is essential in a sports turf maintenance program. Tining depth can be up to 350mm with spacing dependent on the turf’s grass surface and customer requirements.
STAGE offers a number of scarifying options to remove thatch and dead grass resulting in improved drainage and root growth. Thatchaway and verticutting units are available for golf greens and cricket outfields. The Graden can be used on golf greens and cricket squares and finally the Koro Field Top Maker with scarifying reel to scarify and collect larger areas.
Top Dressing
Top Dressing of golf greens and tees is usually performed after Hollow Tine and Overseeding to true the playing surface and aid new seed germination.
Hollow Tine
Hollow Tine and collecting provide aeration and thatch removal which results in improved surface drainage and encourages root growth. Removed cores are refilled with top dressing.